Top 20 Profitable Products to Import from Turkey to Kenya and Swift Shipping with Gumas Cargo

Are you looking for exciting opportunities to kickstart a lucrative import business? Turkey offers a diverse range of high-quality products that you can import to Kenya and generate substantial profits. With the right strategy and shipping partner like Gumas Cargo, you can ensure a smooth and successful venture. In this article, we will explore the top 20 products you can import from Turkey to Kenya and delve into how Gumas Cargo can expedite your shipping process.


Importing products from Turkey to Kenya can be a highly profitable business venture due to Turkey’s rich history of craftsmanship, diverse industries, and competitive pricing. With a strategic approach and the right product selection, entrepreneurs can tap into Kenya’s thriving consumer market and achieve impressive financial gains.

Advantages of Importing from Turkey

Turkey boasts numerous advantages for importers, including a wide variety of products, favorable trade agreements, and a central location bridging Europe and Asia. Additionally, the Turkish government encourages foreign trade, making it an attractive destination for business ventures.

Researching Profitable Products

Before diving into the import business, meticulous research is essential. Consider factors like market demand, competition, and cultural preferences in Kenya. Conduct thorough market research to identify the most sought-after products that align with the Kenyan market’s needs and trends.

Top 20 Profitable Products

Exquisite Turkish Textiles

Turkish textiles, renowned for their quality and intricate designs, encompass items like towels, linens, and fabrics. These products offer a blend of tradition and modernity that appeals to the Kenyan consumer.

Traditional Turkish Ceramics

Handcrafted ceramics with intricate patterns and vibrant colors are popular in both decorative and functional contexts. Importing these unique ceramics can set your business apart.

Jewelry and Accessories

Turkish jewelry is a symbol of elegance and artistry. From ornate necklaces to intricately designed bracelets, these pieces cater to various tastes.

Home Appliances and Electronics

Turkey’s electronics industry produces a wide range of products, including home appliances, televisions, and gadgets. The tech-savvy Kenyan market presents a lucrative opportunity for these imports.

Turkish Spices and Delicacies

The aromatic spices and delectable Turkish delicacies can be a hit among food enthusiasts in Kenya. From saffron to Turkish delight, these products offer a culinary journey.

Leather Goods

Turkish leather products, including bags, wallets, and shoes, are known for their quality and durability. These fashionable items have a significant demand in Kenya.

Carpets and Rugs

Turkish carpets and rugs are synonymous with luxury and comfort. Their rich history and intricate designs make them desirable additions to Kenyan homes.

Cosmetics and Beauty Products

The Turkish cosmetics industry offers a range of skincare and beauty products enriched with natural ingredients. Cater to Kenya’s beauty-conscious consumers with these offerings.

Furniture and Home Decor

Elegant Turkish furniture and home decor items blend traditional craftsmanship with modern aesthetics, presenting an opportunity to enhance Kenyan homes.

Auto Spare Parts

For the automotive industry, Turkish auto spare parts provide cost-effective solutions for repair and maintenance. Partner with mechanics and garages for a steady demand.

Medical Equipment

Turkey’s medical equipment sector produces a diverse array of products, from diagnostics to surgical instruments. Healthcare facilities in Kenya are potential clients for these imports.

Agricultural Products

Turkish agricultural products like dried fruits, nuts, and olive oil are not only nutritious but also have a growing demand in health-conscious markets like Kenya.

Toys and Games

The toy industry in Turkey produces a wide variety of options, from educational toys to traditional games. Capitalize on the demand for children’s entertainment in Kenya.

Footwear and Apparel

Turkish footwear and apparel encompass a blend of modern trends and cultural influences. These products can cater to different demographics in Kenya.

Turkish Tea and Coffee

The rich flavors of Turkish tea and coffee can entice Kenyan coffee lovers. Consider importing these beloved beverages for a unique offering.

Construction Materials

Turkey produces high-quality construction materials, including ceramics, tiles, and marble. These materials can find application in Kenya’s real estate and construction industry.

Lighting Fixtures

Intricately designed Turkish lighting fixtures can add a touch of elegance to Kenyan homes and businesses. These imports can illuminate both spaces and profits.

Packaging Materials

The packaging industry in Turkey offers a range of materials suitable for various products. High-quality packaging can enhance the appeal of imported goods in Kenya.

Office Supplies

Turkey manufactures office supplies such as stationery and electronics. These essentials cater to the needs of businesses, schools, and individuals in Kenya.

Handicrafts and Souvenirs

Handicrafts and souvenirs reflect Turkey’s rich cultural heritage. Importing these unique items can serve the Kenyan tourism and gift market.

Choosing Gumas Cargo for Swift Shipping

When it comes to successful import business, efficient shipping is paramount. Gumas Cargo is a reliable and experienced shipping partner that specializes in transporting goods from Turkey to Kenya.

Why Gumas Cargo?

Gumas Cargo offers a seamless shipping experience, handling documentation, customs clearance, and logistics. Their expertise ensures that your products reach Kenya swiftly and safely, allowing you to focus on your business’s growth and success.


Embarking on an import business journey from Turkey to Kenya can be a lucrative endeavor. The diverse array of top 20 products offers something for every entrepreneur’s interest. With the right products, a solid strategy, and the support of Gumas Cargo, you can navigate the import landscape with confidence and tap into Kenya’s thriving market.


  1. Is importing from Turkey to Kenya a profitable venture? Yes, importing products from Turkey to Kenya can be highly profitable due to the quality, variety, and affordability of Turkish products.
  2. How can I choose the right products to import? Thorough market research is essential. Identify products that are in demand in Kenya and align with local preferences.
  3. Why should I partner with Gumas Cargo? Gumas Cargo offers efficient shipping, handling all aspects of transportation and logistics, ensuring your products reach Kenya promptly and safely.
  4. What are some challenges of importing from Turkey? Language barriers, customs procedures, and fluctuating exchange rates can present challenges. Partnering with experienced agents can mitigate these issues.
  5. Can I start a small-scale import business? Absolutely! You can start with a few selected products and gradually expand your offerings as you gain experience and traction in the market.

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